In a tweet posted on his Twitter page this morning, the proudly gay Nigerian accused Oyedepo of deceiving the public with carefully calculated sermons that he uses as a marketing ploy to milk his congregants of their money.
“Everybody believes that God has an open heaven order of blessings for his people. But you see, it takes your tithing to qualify for it. So if you only know the promise and don’t know the conditions, you will die frustrated. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of sin, of poverty, of death, but what does it take to get there? It takes faith in the demands. People just believe the promise but you also need to believe the demands.
“It is believing the demands that entitles you to the fulfillment of the promise. There is no provision in the scriptures without a condition attached. Even salvation, as free as it is, you need to repent before you can be saved. There is nothing provided without conditions to meet.”
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